Sunday 22 April 2012

Perception of life

Perception is the one that matters, doesn’t matter what the subject is. Please go on to read this article only if you are not busy and hate your job. So you go on, well! At some point of time, your body wears out completely after the whole week of soul destroying work and there comes the weekend and you experience that overwhelming feeling of joy as if you have been released from a jail. You come and sleep over your bed and sometimes suddenly you get a strong notion that you are about to get fever sooner or later combined with couple of sneezes conforming that you are already having cold and then comes headache for free and you can’t sleep. Your mind becomes completely blank and suddenly you start to think about Meta physics and skeptical science and at that moment you can say for yourself that you are totally confused. This is what exactly happened to me last night.
All kinds of silly questions crept up to my mind. How did our universe evolve? Are we alone or do aliens exist? Does somebody control us? Then why some live long and some die early, only some are born with disorders and many do not. Why our brain always does things which you order not to? I order you not to think of an Ice-cream, what did you think of rite now? That’s what I was talking about. Can we really device a language to express our feelings? Some people live on streets with no home, no food and have dozen babies, how do they really live? Do we give a damn?  What is the eternal factor that decides everything?  Life goes forward and memories go backward can we reverse it by any chance? Do you have an exact answer when I ask you, why do you live? You never know until you know it! You never know whether you win or you’ll lose. Isn’t life similar to gambling? What’s life beyond death? All of a sudden life looked so complex to me.
All these questions got tangled up and I was really in a sticky question. As I already said I had headache, these questions did not help me in anyway, they just added fuel to the fire. I applied balm and now I was feeling sleepy. One last question that popped in my mind was, why did I think about all these questions? I had no answer for this as well, eventually I decided not to think like a scientist and I said to myself “Though life seems to be complex, it’s simple in its own ways.” When I say life is to be happy, work, play, sleep and enjoy each day as it comes, doesn’t it look simple? Definite answer to this question –yes. That’s what I said in the beginning ‘Perception matters’.
Oops you seem to be confused!!

Friday 3 February 2012

From the Editor's Desk

Birds chirp cheerfully with delight to mark the beginning of yet another auspicious dawn instilling abundant amount of joy in our hearts and AXA I-talk marks beginning of yet another fabulous month of February. After a thriving journey in January, we propel forward with lots of ambitions, which are as high as Eagles fly. This exotic edition strives to provide ecstasy for our wonderful readers by throwing light upon ‘bird feeding’.

In the juncture of ‘National Bird Feeding Month’ this edition portrays cheerful happenings of AXA, stunning animal dairies, reviews and makes you gobsmacked by some mind-blowing facts about various birds. This theme is rationally chosen to encourage the hobby of feeding birds as it’s not merely a way to enjoy wildlife but a way to have inner harmony, joy and satisfaction and it’s the 2nd fastest growing hobby in US.

They say humility comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from learning. Though birds don’t speak we learn so many things from them, don’t we? They teach us that it’s easier and safer to work together and sometimes it’s alright to break from the pack and show our individuality. They ethicize us to fly high and fear nothing and list goes on. Hope we cultivate the habit of feeding birds and have stunning sights and sounds right outside our window.

              Editorial team wishes everyone a successful month ahead and happy reading!!

Friday 20 January 2012

My Roller Coaster Ride

Dedicated to
xPression Team, TCS, the best team ever!
                                This blog is for fun, not to hurt anybody, do not take anything to heart.
                                                            Special Thanks to
                                           D H Abhilash , My beloved brother, for reviewing it.

                            I’m here to share my journey of one year in TCS not to mock anybody.

‘It was a roller-costar ride’ is the best way to describe my journey of one successful year in TCS in a single sentence. I need not explicitly justify it because I bet you will agree with me once you read it. It was really an astounding start to the career, rather enjoyable, in the form of ILP. Instead of saying that we learnt a lot of technology there, I should probably say that we enjoyed as much as we can. It may be because of the reasons that we were not completely out of the college mood and pictured in our head that we would seldom have fun after we enter in projects, which has proven to be otherwise so far, but undoubtedly my home was just a stone’s throw away from office. 

        After a dramatic interview with PL Ananth and BULL Uma, latter didn’t speak a word though, I’ll tell you what does BULL mean at the end, I was allocated to ‘Upgrade’ Project in xPression, a technology which has nothing to do with .net, upon which I was trained before; maybe it’s too ambitious to be in project of my wish as a fresher I thought. I was told xPression technology as one of the market-booms in the near future; I didn’t comprehend the sarcasm of it at that time. 

          Eventually within few days I got easily acquainted to amicable ambience created by my team. It was great working in Upgrade and especially with Ananth who is easily admirable for his technical acumen combined with fabric of leadership qualities, need not consider this as flattery and certainly no pun intended. As I was nascent to the technology, didn’t work much! . It was always fun-at-work with kishore, with all inane jokes and Business Analyst of Upgrade Ramya Devi, that’s how I call her, not because she pops up at least 150 times a day and goes to Ananth’s place for her doubts, not because she drinks gallons of water with an interval of every 5 mins(we know water is tasteless and yet what a taste she has! , the only reason that I can depict is that she would have gone to doctor and the doc would have told “ Drink fifteen litres of water per week” and she should have heard fifteen as fifty) but because of her excitement she carries for the work she does no matter whether its silly or serious. It was pleasant working with Siva who is clearly a silent Tech-Savvy and Divya with her child like nature though I consider her to be my sister. 

          Later, I was moved to Project named LIRE, don’t ask me what the pronunciation is, (team lead Ramya pronounces that as ‘liar’ and its your wish) where we have Yoga and Maha. I believe we can count number of stars in the sky someday but can never count how many girls he gawks at in a day .On the other hand, I hope oxford dictionary would take up ‘Maha’ as synonym for the word ‘Chatter-box’, nevertheless, the decibel level of our cubicles have been considerably truncated after Maha left the team. To add a bit more about her, while Brett Lee bowls at 155 kmph, Maha speaks at a rate of 160kmph. As days went by and when I was just about to feel that the work was redundant and boring, certainly no offense, I was allocated to ENLG-AUL5

          Days in ENLG-AUL5 about a month are the busiest days of my life. I was fully occupied, at the edge of the seat most of the time, rush of adrenaline creeps up across the spine when it becomes 6pm with daily deliverables and thrilling mails and earned a lot of exposure too. I’ll tel you what kind of exposure as I go along. Most importantly, this is the time where I found my ‘guru’ Uma in xPression and over a period of time who became my student in Social networking. Well, if I have to speak about her I should probably write a separate blog. She’s a lady who unquestionably has that X-factor within her and fair amount of eccentricity combined with a ‘girl-next-door’ character, which is in fact remarkable to work with. She fancies herself to be a typist for she spent around 15 useless months of training in some dumb typing institution, which did cost me couple of defects, Uma don’t feel bad as if I have revealed a secret, everybody knows it. FYI, she types a rate of 170kmph. Later, Santhi joined the party in the form of AUL5-IFPP and we became ‘The Invincible Trio’. You are such a fool if you don’t understand my sarcasm. As the name ‘escalation’ became famous for AUL5 team, the name ‘Alien’ became famous for Santhi, honestly don’t know the reason, it’s for her face? Probably not. May be some other reasons. Never mind! Anyways the bond ‘AUL5 family’ keeps us together and it goes on. 

         After a few days I had a chance to work in Life Phase-II with Curlin, the most innocent lady in the team. Guys, come on, I mean it this time. I’m really unaware of how much profit she makes to AXA but certainly contributes good amount of profit to mentho plus Balm Company, she haves it all the time with her. Gradually my work-burden reduced. 

           Best part is that this team is expanding in size just akin to our universe as explained in the Big Bang Theory; I’m not talking about the sitcom folks! with the inclusion of two peculiar freshers Madhumitha and Dinesh. I never believed when my mom said “Certain Sadhus and powerful people live long lives without eating food”. Now I’m a strong believer of that after seeing Madhumitha who only feeds on liquid food. We know people who are obsessed and addicted of speaking over phone with their boyfriend/girlfriend but Dinesh is the guy, probably one and only one, on the earth who is obsessed of speaking with customer care services of all businesses. Trust me! 

        Coming back to my journey, now, they say I’m allocated to Books & Records, well anyway, who the hell cares. At the moment I’m as free as a bird writing the last sentence of my blog. That’s all folks!! Oops, did I forget something? Oh yes I almost did. BULL stands for ‘Back Up Lead of Lights-on’, certainly not what you thought. 

Phew!! I’m done. Now, Out of sight!!